Robert Cassard
Video Growth Hacker
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Company Flagship Video + Drip Campaign Series
WetStone Technologies / McAfee Cyber Security)
WetStone Technologies and McAfee Cyber Security are partners in security software, implementation and management. This package combines a flagship video for WetStone's website with a 3-video drip series to introduce WetStone to McAfee enterprise customers.
In 2019, I wrote, produced and directed a flagship video for Allen Corporation of America's Communications Technology division. The following year, Allen Corp's cyber security division, WetStone, wanted its own flagship video, and they returned to me to get it produced.
WetStone offers elite-quality implementation and management of McAfee security software, along with their own forensic software products. A series of strategy sessions with Allen/WetStone management helped clarify WetStone's highest profit-making opportunities and how to balance promotion of their McAfee services and in-house products.
For production and budget efficiency, we decided to simultaneously produce a flagship video AND a 3-part drip series. The flagship video would focus 80% on McAfee and 20% on WetStone software. The drip series would be aimed at enterprise IT professionals, all McAfee-focused — using 3 different pain points/buying triggers and featuring interviews with WetStone's SVP and a McAfee executive.
I crafted the scripts to leverage pre-selected stock footage, along with original footage shot on location in South Carolina and Texas. To keep budgets as low as possible, I employed video stringers for the locations shoots and directed them remotely from my studio in California.
My roles in the production:
Strategy, concept, script, soundtrack (incl. narration and music sourcing), stock footage selection, logistics and remote-direction of location shoots, color-grading, editing.